Wheatley Campus, Oxford Brookes University

Wheatley, Oxfordshire

Rock Townsend were appointed in 2015 to Oxford Brookes University’s Architectural Consultancy Framework for a period of 6 years.


The first phase comprised a fast-track summer programme of works to be implemented at their Wheatley campus, involving major refurbishment and reconfiguration of teaching, academic, lecture theatre and library facilities across the site.

As well as providing improved facilities for student learning and socialising, the campus provides summer conference activities and accommodation. We therefore ensured our designs were appropriate for diverse users, and that spaces were reconfigurable as required for term and non-term time activities.

The use of the campus during the summer therefore required a careful consideration of the logistics, enabling and phasing of the works, with detailed programming to minimise disruption.



Client: Oxford Brookes University

Dates: 2017

Value: £750K

RT Team: Mark Gabbey, Tim Robinson, Daniel Goldenberg